Bill Teyssier
Position: Senior Pipe Voicer, Pipe Organ Technician
Phone: 410-751-5260
Bill Teyssier joined the staff of R. A. Daffer in September, 1988. Prior to joining the staff at R. A. Daffer, Bill worked for the Rodgers Organ Company from 1979 to 1986. Bill apprenticed as a pipe voicer at the Rodgers Organ Company pipe shop in Erie, Pennsylvania under Ferenc Gyuratz, former head-voicer for Tellers Organ Company, Erie, Pa and Phelps Organ Company, also located in Erie. During this time, Bill was one of the tonal finishers for the Rodgers Company and travelled extensively throughout the United States voicing combination pipe-electronic organs. He worked with many well-known organists such as Dr. Joyce Jones (home installation), Frederick Swann (home installation), Dr. Keith Chapman, Ted Alan Worth, and Diane Bish.
In 1986, Bill joined the staff of Altenburg Piano House in Elizabeth, NJ as pipe voicer, tuner and salesman for Northern New Jersey. After leaving Altenburg Piano House in 1988, Bill joined the staff at R. A. Daffer as a pipe voicer, tuner, installer and general maintenance. During this time, Bill has worked on many major organs in the Baltimore/Washington area in the capacity of pipe organ tuner and voicer/tonal finisher. He is also able to troubleshoot and do repairs on Rodgers digital organs.